Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Dear Blog

I see thine precious face after a long lapse of time... :P

Sorry for not updating despite poisson's nearly constant nudgings.. I have been reading quite a few things..
Firstly, I read A Man Named Dave. At times I felt the writer was making too much of an effort.. that it's all sorta..umm.. contrived.. But I don't think I didn't like it... it basically is a story of a person who survives vicious abuse as a child.. and what i really liked about it is the inspiration part.. there are many, many kids who are abused.. or, at least, maltreated... by their parents, extended family, teachers and so many other people (God, kids are soo vulnerable.. I wish they were not.. or, I wish there was something I could do to protect them... ) and by reading Dave Pelzer's books, if nothing else, they can at least say 'If Dave did it, so can I'....

I just started reading Atlas Shrugged this morning.. before that I was reading Sophie's World but stopped for no real reason...

hmmm.. besides that I made jam tarts... ok, ok, I made them really long ago (i.e. before starting this blog, I think).... but I plan on making them again...

Oh, and I went out with poisson and one other friend.. for poisson's birthday....sadly, one of my friends could not come even though SHE was the one who planned it all out! However, I had a lottt of fun.. really, really enjoyed it

I think that's all for the update, for now.. take care